
avionic radar device - anleitung (engl.)


Unzip the content to any folder on your harddrive
(You need a registered Version of Pete Dowson's WideFS for playing in a network).

Description of Buttons:

Connect to FS - Connects to Flightsimulator via FSUIPC

Taxi - Display aircrafts that taxi to the runway
< - Displays aircrafts lower than 10.000 feet
L - Displays aircrafts lower than 18.000 feet
H - Displays aircrafts higher than 18.000 feet

ATC - Displays the ATC-No. of aircrafts
Route - Displays the Route
RWY - Displays the Runway that Aircrafts are assigned to, if none then Route is displayed
ID - Displays the FS-Internal ID


F2 - Go to Airport
F3 - Delete Aircraft (by ID)
F4 - Close Runway (no more AI-Aircrafts will taxi to that runway)
F5 - Show/Hide Message-Window

The Radar Screen Window has to have the focus for these commands to work, not the Message-Window!

Pilots Responses to the Controller

In order to contact the Controller the FS-Pilot has to enter the same frequency as in the Message-Window in his COM1.
Once connected a green light will appear in Radars Message-Window.
The pilot can respond by pressing one of the following keys in FS2004:
0 - Say again, please!
9 - Roger!


With knowledge of Delphi-Script you can change the behaviour of the program. Have a look at script.txt and ATC.txt.
We will soon provide more information on this subject and make more features scriptable.

Here is a clue as to the colors that can be assigned:

clBlack = $000000;
clMaroon = $000080;
clGreen = $008000;
clOlive = $008080;
clNavy = $800000;
clPurple = $800080;
clTeal = $808000;
clGray = $808080;
clSilver = $c0c0c0;
clRed = $0000ff;
clLime = $00ff00;
clYellow = $00ffff;
clBlue = $ff0000;
clFuchsia = $ff00ff;
clAqua = $ffff00;
clLtGray = $c0c0c0;
clDkGray = $808080;
clWhite = $ffffff;

If you want to use an RGB color of your own, you'd have to specify it like
this in the appropriate OnGetColor handler:
ObjectColor := $0000FF;
TextColor := $FFFF00;

and CAUTION! Colors are in the BGR order, meaning that blue are
the first two hexadecimal values in the color number and red the last ones
(meaning the primary color order is reversed compared to RGB, as in HTML color definitions, for example)

In ATC.txt you can define short Commands for your Message-Window. For instance:

if SubString(text,1,2) = 'CM' then ATCMessage := 'Climb and maintain ' + SubString(text,3,255);


FS2004 creates AI-Traffic only around in the area where your plane is. So you have to move your plane to the airport where you want to see the traffic.
The controller does not control the AI-Traffic (would be nice and we are working on generating our own traffic!).
So far, we have only a few airports with NAVs (EDDN,EDDM,EDDS,EDDF). New ones can be added by editing airport.xml.
(Make a copy of the original, before you start).
If someone has good knowledge of how to import DAFIF-Files it would be great if he let us know how to do it.

Update: 2004-03-31

 intra rubrik navigator: < screenshot   airport.xml Beschreibu... >